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The only choices today is My Drafts or Team Space and even when you select Team Space, you are not given a list of the folders...
Would it be possible to get an email each month containing the invoice? It would make it easier for me to direct it to our...
be able to insert a custom thumbnail for the video
In my case I help entrepreneurs to record, edit and post high impact videos on social media so they can warmup their audience...
It would be very helpful if we could select a bunch of files at once and move them to a new folder. (And also download, which I...
Veed is awesome, and you guys are awesome for creating it. So I don't want this to come across sounding snarky. But I really...
It would be nice if the download URL's for the finished videos could be saved somewhere. If there are saved, where do I find...
Can we make videos private by default, instead of having to toggle them from public to private after each video?