I'd like to be able to duplicate a video clip, then reverse it to create a never ending loop.
28-02-2023 -
Newest / Oldest
Nick Thorsch
Yeah, Reverse is a much needed addition, and so easy to implement. Surprised Veed hasn't done it yet. Screenflow has it. So I have to do Reverse there, export, then import to Veed. Sucks having to use two softwares. Veed should just add this asap.
Activity Newest / Oldest
Nick Thorsch
Yeah, Reverse is a much needed addition, and so easy to implement. Surprised Veed hasn't done it yet. Screenflow has it. So I have to do Reverse there, export, then import to Veed. Sucks having to use two softwares. Veed should just add this asap.