Thumbnail image selector (magic feature)

Joshua Feinberg

I do a lot of interview-based podcast recordings that ultimately get edited in Veed. By default, I use the guest's LinkedIn profile photo for the thumbnail/social tile image (I tell guests this upfront when scheduling). Most of the time, the LinkedIn profile photo is good enough. But sometimes, the photo is either way too small or unprofessional.

While I could go back to guests and give them another hoop to jump through , delaying production, the raw recording usually has some excellent potential frames for saving a headshot photo. The challenge?

It can take a while to find a "good" one (looking at webcam, smiling, crisp, flattering angle, good lighting, etc.)

What if Veed's magic tools could do this work for me? (similar to what Clips does)

I know historically, Veed has left thumbnails to tools like Canva. But as interview-based podcasts become more prevalent, and you end up interviewing a lot of people who either don't regularly appear on podcasts/webinars or do public speaking, it's highly likely that a StreamYard or Riverside raw recording has a much better potential headshot than the guest's LinkedIn profile.


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Roxanne G UX Designer

I would also like a cover image or thumbnail selector. I pus h the videos to multiple social platforms via my personal website. So I don't bespoke upload to each Social site. It would be great if the information about which frame is the cover image could be included in the video and read by teh Social media platforms.